Tidigare retreat.

Inga planerade retreat 2024.

Jag är lärare på Sigtuna Folkhögskolas Sommarkurs v.32. Mer information hittar du här Yoga – Sigtuna folkhögskola (

Enköping, Sweden

I am so proud to invite you to a silent retreat with my two wonderful meditation teachers Sudhir Rishi and Veena Sudhir. We can promise you a weekend in your own true nature, JOY! Meditation, yoga, lectures, vegetarian food, hot tub and much more!Sudhir has has been involved in the fields of yoga, meditation, philosophy and Ayurveda for the last 23 years. He lived as a monk for eight years, dedicating himself to intense meditation practices. 

For Sudhir, philosophy is not a theoretical pursuit but a lifestyle. For him, philosophy reveals higher truths which need to be contemplated, verified, applied and assimilated. He has had many transformative spiritual experiences and he shares his personal experiences with his students. He loves life and people. He is passionate to share his wisdom and insights with spiritual seekers. He believes, and it has been his own experience, that joy is the nature of oneself, and it has no connection to anything whatsoever, and this fact can be discovered by others as well! His simple way of teaching helps his students to know themselves better and deeper.

Veena has been involved in the fields of meditation and Ayurveda for more than twenty years. By profession, she studied Computer Software, Library Sciences and Applied Psychology. By passion, she was naturally pulled into meditation, Ayurveda, Reiki and Pranic healing. She has been associated with Sri Ramanashram, in Tiruvannamalai for around thirty years and has spent many years studying meditation and healing practices.

The retreat will take place in beautiful Härjarö, Enköping, Sweden.

Food and accommodation:
Tent: 950 sek
Shared room: 1300 sek
Single room: 1700 sek

Course fee €150

Dates to be announced

To apply, send an email to and wait for a confirmation email after that you will have your spot reserved after you have paid the registration fee of 500 to swish: 123 370 59 51 or PG: 5215-8052

Questions? Send an email to Malin at info (at) or call 070-3942501